Saturday, September 1, 2012


Fishing has long been enjoyed as a pastime and necessity all around the world. It gives you a great reason to go out and enjoy nature and its wonders. It can be an inspiring solitary experience, or enjoyable while bonding with family or friends. Read the tips on fishing presented here.
If you are practicing catch and release, then don't fight when reeling in fish. Over-handling fish after they have been caught might risk injury to them and once released may not survive. If the fish can't be reeled in easily, just let it go rather than fighting it.
If you intend to take a picture of a fish you caught and then release it back into the water, then you need to make sure that the process is as fast as possible. A fish kept out of water for a long time will not live.
Take care to keep your fishing line in good shape when fishing. During your fishing trips, check your line periodically for nicks or abrasions. This is easily done by simply running the line through your fingers. Any roughness felt means you should immediately replace the line.
If you are fishing for perch, use worms or night crawlers as bait. Perch love either one, as they tend to share the same living environment. Fresh bait is a popular choice, but artificial bait can be just as useful too.
Any seasoned professional will tell you that you cannot catch fish with a dull hook. If it could scratch your fingernail lightly then it's good enough for you to use. A dull hook can either be sharpened or replaced.
Bass prefer feeding in the morning or afternoon hours, so plan your trips around these times. Dawn and dusk are feeding time for bass. There's one caveat to this, however. If the weather is cloudy or the water surface is unusually murky, bass feed during the mid-afternoon hours instead.
When using salted worms, revive the flavor when casting often, so you can be more successful. This is very true in fast moving or murky water. Just rub the worm briskly in your palm to draw the salt back out to the worm's surface.
For children, be sure to buy them the appropriate fishing equipment. Their poles, for instance, should fit their smaller size. Obviously, a child cannot properly manoeuvre equipment that is bigger than them.
Switch up your bait to catch different types of fish. Different fish will respond to different kinds of bait.
When using catch and release fishing methods, make sure you have barbless single hooks. This is the only way you can ascertain that you don't injure a fish that you are planning to return to the water.
Learn to fish responsibly. It's important, when fishing, to maintain the health of the environment. Remember not to litter if you bring snacks and drinks along. Check into local regulations when it comes to the amount of fish you can catch and follow them. You should also release fish that are too small to eat.
Take a few minutes to scale your fish before you cook it. You can either use large spoons or get a fish scaler. Place a fish on the side, hold the fish by its head and scrape its scale using your scaler or spoon. Make sure you are patient. It can be a long process, even more so with thin-scaled types of fish.
The type of rod you fish with will help a great deal, so be sure to have quality equipment. High-quality rods are better tested and crafted from better materials than cheap, fragile rods are. It is worth paying a bit more upfront for a quality rod you'll have forever, rather than replacing cheap rod after cheap rod.
Packing a healthy and nutritious lunch is always a good idea when you go fishing. A nutritious meal will help increase your energy while fishing. If you can, bring along snacks that have a lot of protein. Eating a good lunch is essential if you want to catch fish for dinner.
Hopefully, this article has given you a variety of cool techniques and tips that you can use on your next fishing excursion. Thanks to the extensive knowledge on fishing, you can always study and learn more things.

NOTE: Please visit these websites for more fishing secrets and tips:
Crappie Fish Catching Tricks
Surf Fishing - The Quick Start Guide To This Sport
Fly Fishing From Scratch
Make Your Own Fishing Lures